About Me

I am one of many children raised in a home with a mother who has a undiagnosed mental illness.  She believes she has a special connection with God and can speak on His behalf. Religion was used to control all aspects of our daily life.

Ironically, I was able to separate myself from my mother’s beliefs through faith and prayer. My Savior literally rescued me from her sad beliefs and teachings. The light from His love softly beckoned to me and led me out of intense despair and confusion.

With many of us still grappling with how we were raised and with my parents still living in the sunset of their lives, I share my story anonymously in order that I might be completely open and honest. I share it with the hope that perhaps someone reading this will recognize the light beckoning to them and in some small way, gain a grain of courage needed to follow after it.

I write about the past. Although in many ways I have laid it to rest, it still calls to me with each new year and phase of my life needing to be re-examined with eyes changed by new perspectives and experiences. I write about the present in all of its daily cares, challenges, failures, joys and triumphs. They are all streaked with the light of His love which first brought me out of the darkness.